The hammams of Marrakech definitely offer a unique and fun spa experience! Last year I had the pleasure of having my very first experience in one of the best hammams in Marrakech. Hammams in Marrakech are the perfect way to escape the chaos and dust of the desert for a few hours. But there are a few things you should know about hammams before making an appointment.

First, there are hammams for every budget. Personally, I prefer the luxury hammams in Marrakech to the budget ones because they are more private, pampering and spa-like. When you show up for your appointment at one of the many luxury hammams, you’ll be led to a changing area where you’ll be given a paper panty (more on that later), a robe and slippers. The budget hammams only cost a few dollars, but you bring your own bucket, towels and shower kit. In this article, I’ll focus on the experience you’ll have at these luxury hammams in Marrakech.
Public Hammams
The question is whether or not to go completely bare in the hammams of Marrakech! In public hammams, men and women usually go in underwear only, as they are segregated by gender. However, if you wear a thong, you might feel very uncomfortable around the local women as they opt for more coverage. However, in private luxury hammams, you will be given a pair of paper panties to wear under your robe.
Once you are in the hammam steam room, you undress and wear only the small paper panties - yes, even men do this! You can be in a completely private steam room, or with your spouse or a friend if you wish. The experience you will have at Marrakech Hammams includes a steam bath, as well as the scrub, which is the highlight of the experience! The bath attendant at the Marrakech Hammam will lay you face down on a bench in the steam room and first wet you with a bucket of warm water. Then she will apply a dark, eucalyptus-scented scrub to one side of your body.
Then she puts those scrub gloves on you and starts scrubbing your body from head to toe. When she is done with the back, she starts with the front. For conservative women, this is the most uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing part of the hammam because you are completely topless during this process. And yes, they scrub every part of your body! This scrubbing can sometimes seem very abrasive, but don’t worry, when you feel how incredibly soft your skin is afterwards, you’ll realize it was all worth it.

1. you are always right and should get exactly what you want. Many massage
clients assume that you are going to a professional massage therapist and therefore everything they say applies. The old adage that the consumer is always right also applies to the massage therapy industry. Of course you want to work with a “trusted expert,” but that doesn’t mean that if you feel you need more attention to a particular area or a change in pressure, you shouldn’t get just that.
A “trusted expert” will listen to exactly what you want and apply the techniques that will help you achieve that goal.
If you want to buy something you’ve already decided on, you’re not going to let a salesperson sell you something other than what you had in mind (although this happens all too often in the marketplace). The same goes for your massage therapy experience. If you’re not sure what you need but have a specific complaint, your massage therapist should listen to your chief complaint and offer a solution that will help you achieve your desired outcome (more on this later).
If you feel that the massage therapist you are working with is not addressing your needs, it is perfectly fine to end the massage session. This may sound a bit harsh, but it is not acceptable to waste your time and money on ineffective treatments.
2. What you should expect from your massage treatment. The massage treatment should give you exactly the result you want. You should expect to work with a qualified massage therapist who will listen to your problems and help you get a massage that is very satisfying for you. From the moment you call to make an appointment for your massage treatment, you should feel that you will be working with a therapist who will treat you as an individual and respect your individual needs. It is appropriate to ask about the massage therapist’s credentials and experience.
Using a body scrub is actually not too difficult; however, there are many things you should know before using such wonderful skin care products. The best way to use a body scrub is to first apply the scrub mixture to a cloth or sponge. Preferably, the cloth or sponge should be attached to some sort of handle, as this allows you to reach all areas of the body.
The application of the body scrub is usually done before showering. When you get into the shower or bathtub, simply start scrubbing the scrub mixture on your own body. You should make sure that the skin scrub formula you use is only for use on the body and not the face. If you are using a homemade mixture, you should use gentle exfoliants like sugar or ground nuts like almonds. Never use coarse exfoliants like sea salt on your face or neck. Harsh abrasives can permanently damage your face or neck.