If you are in a desperate situation and don’t know what to do, complain. Create a fight, scream and condemn everyone who makes you suffer.
It is better for you to show your hatred and despair to everyone instead of committing suicidal help without revealing to anyone how you feel.
Under normal circumstances, you would obviously avoid such outbursts of anger and avoid creating unnecessary problems. However, now we are talking about total despair and the decision to die. If you find yourself in such a terrible situation, do not hide your feelings from the people around you. Make them understand that you are desperate and ask them to assume their responsibilities.

In this way, you will force them to change their attitude. They will abandon their indolence and begin to worry about you or you will define a situation that can no longer continue and perhaps a separation will solve the underlying problems, depending on the conditions of your life.
Do not keep hatred and suicidal thoughts inside if you are in utter despair because the people around you and perhaps causing you serious problems do not understand what they are really doing, even if they give you the impression that they do.
No one thinks about the consequences of their words and actions, people act based on their emotions.
If you cannot forgive and understand and are ready to commit suicide because things cannot go on like this, demand release from those who are suffocating you. Show them the truth before you abandon them and leave them with eternal guilt.
And remember: no matter how desperate you are, no matter how horrible the conditions of your life are or how much you have been exploited by the people around you, you have to have mercy on them because they are animals.
Humans are rational and so they are very proud . However, deeper studies into the human psyche through dream interpretation revealed that there is a demon in the anti-conscience. It is a cruel and schizophrenic demon that is responsible for insanity. This wild and cruel animal has demonic characteristics and is a part of the human mind: it is the primitive consciousness, which was not transformed like the conscious mind, which developed characteristics such as pity and understanding.
This wild and demonic consciousness is completely violent and indifferent to human pain. It constantly tries to invade the consciousness in order to destroy it through insanity.
Therefore, be aware of this truth and do not expect too much from people. Show your hatred, but from within, forgive everyone automatically because everyone is constantly dominated by their wild side unless they go through psychotherapy interpreting their dreams and correcting the errors of their behavior, so that they learn to behave like human beings and not like monsters.
Keep in mind also that you will be a monster if you commit suicide, no matter how much the whole world has pushed you to commit this tragic act. You are responsible for your own actions and sins.
Show everyone what you are going through because 90% of the suicides committed every day are avoidable if the desperate person would express their feelings and reveal that they are totally desperate, demanding an urgent solution from everyone.
Preventing Depression and Insanity through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung’s research into the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Trends in the healthcare system model have changed over time. The old trend gave importance to individual patients and emphasized the treatment of diseases. The focus of hospitals was on admissions, filling beds, and more emphasis was placed on acute care. The role of managers in the old paradigm was to run the organization and coordinate services. In the old system, all providers were essentially the same. Hospitals, physicians and health plans were separate and not integrated.
The new trends that evolved gave importance to the population as a whole. Not only was illness treated, but the emphasis was on promoting the well-being of the people. The objectives of the healthcare system, after transforming over the years, are to provide care at all levels, which remains the same. The role of managers in the new paradigm is broader. They see the market and help quality and continuous improvement. They not only lead the organization, but go beyond organizational boundaries. In the evolving system, providers are differentiated by capability. Hospitals, physicians and health plans have formed an integrated delivery system.