Celebrate Vinyl Record Day
Vinyl Record Day is about celebrating records, and the public should embrace this special day. Invite friends and family over for a barbecue, maybe form a street party and play records, think about records and talk about records and what they mean to each of us individually and culturally,“ Gary explained.
Gary went into further detail, "No matter how good Vinyl Record Day may feel, a retailer will ask, ‘How will this help my bottom line?’ Vinyl Record Day can bring free publicity, it puts a good face on a business in the community, and it’s a reason to do something special at its location: a parking lot sale, entertainment, special in-store deals are good examples.
I would like to see more industry involvement in Vinyl Record Day, so that not only are the goals of Vinyl Record Day spread, but also the people who try to make all or part of their living from vinyl are part of an industry and not scattered individuals. We need a unified national impact, as the dairy industry has done with its "Got Milk” campaign.
I strongly believe that both Internet and traditional retail stores could benefit financially and, in the case of store owners, in their communities from participating in Vinyl Record Day. Another important goal of Vinyl Record Day is to preserve cultural influences, recordings and cover art. We also hope to raise awareness of the economics preventing businesses from moving everything to compact discs.
A very dynamic and immensely important point Gary talked about is that only 5% of our music history has been transferred to CD, so it is our responsibility to preserve this medium. Maybe your grandfather, sibling or cousin put out a record that didn’t make the “top ten” but it’s our music and some of those wonderful recordings can’t be found anywhere else.
For example, I own a vinyl copy of a speech by Spiro Agnew, and one of our most revered presidents, John F. Kennedy, has released several recordings, as have other influential and historic figures.
In addition, Vinyl Record Day is a non-profit organization whose goal is to educate the public and encourage us all to preserve these international audio treasures. It is also a marketing opportunity for any retailer of vinyl records.
“Vinyl Record Day is designed to educate the public that this timeless medium is in our hands and that we should not leave vinyl preservation to fate. Vinyl records are historic audio documents, and just as we preserve historic literature, we are the custodians of this audio history.
Vinyl Record Day is more than just a day of the year to celebrate, it is also important to the industry itself,” Gary explained. “We also talked about past celebrations, from the first Vinyl Record Day in San Luis County, California, to the international support and attention Vinyl Record Day is receiving.
"Vinyl Record Day hopes to continue to educate the public on why and how to care for a record collection, as these collections are not only a part of who we are, but also to ensure that future generations do not lose an important link in record history,” Gary said.
How Buying Vinyl Box Sets Are Beneficial
Box sets are used by companies as a marketing tool to get music lovers to buy their products, but that shouldn’t stop you from buying them. On the contrary, it should encourage you even more. These sets can be very beneficial for the consumer because they offer all sorts of incentives to get you to buy them, and these can sometimes be very valuable.
First of all, you need to know that when you buy a box set, you are buying a collection of music from a specific musician that has been put together. In most cases, vinyl box sets contain almost all the hits previously produced by that artist, along with some new releases that have never been heard before. So you have the opportunity to be one of the few to hear these new releases.
There are also rare outtakes not heard on other recordings, and many include live performances. These are often very interesting because you can hear how the audience gets involved as they listen to the singer and the band.
Vinyl box sets often come with special offers like posters, a picture disc, or a free download. These are some of the special incentives designed to get consumers to buy the set instead of purchasing the albums individually. They can also be very valuable depending on who the artist is and what albums are offered in the set.
These sets are usually released for special occasions like anniversaries. Sometimes they are also used to reintroduce a particular band to the public after it has been out of circulation for a while. Occasionally, these sets are also sold after the death of an artist, especially if they have passed away prematurely.
Box sets are aimed at hardcore fans who want everything from their favorite artist, but they are also a great way for musicians to reach new listeners. The extras included in these sets give insight into the band and help consumers understand why they chose the style of music they play.
Mint vinyl boxes are something that any collector would love to find, as they can be very valuable. Of course, this depends on the artist and the availability of the set.
Top Benefits of Using Vinyl Flooring
If you run a busy household with multiple pairs of feet running back and forth, it’s always important to consider the type of flooring your home should have so you have less trouble getting quality flooring at a lower cost.
Vinyl flooring is a great choice because of its many advantages in terms of price, availability and quality. Vinyl tiles are vinyl chips of a certain thickness that are cut into foot-long squares and then applied evenly to the subfloor with vinyl adhesive. The tiles are then usually waxed.
The overall cost of flooring is often one of the most important considerations most homeowners make, and vinyl flooring is among the most affordable available. Compared to hardwood flooring or ceramic tile, the materials that make up vinyl flooring are up to 70% cheaper, although this can also depend on the type of surface you choose. Vinyl flooring is available in many different colors, designs, and textures that blend well with the existing architecture or design of the home.
There are two types of vinyl flooring: inlaid flooring and printed flooring. Inlaid vinyl tiles have the colors integrated into the tile, making them more vibrant and eye-catching. Printed vinyl tiles, on the other hand, have colorful inks printed on them. Each of these designs can be easily matched to any type of home decor, so each owner can decide for themselves what type of flooring is best for their home.
Another advantage of used vinyl flooring is its high resistance to moisture. Most vinyl tiles are coated with a triple layer of wax to minimize dirt and scratch marks. This makes them perfect for kitchens and other areas of the home that can get wet, such as bathrooms and work areas. The backing is a component of vinyl flooring that provides the necessary resistance to moisture and also prevents mold from accumulating.
This is especially beneficial if there are children or many people living in the house, as the number of people in the house at the same time increases the risk of accidents. Hardwood floors are easily susceptible to scratches and, like ceramic tile, require frequent refinishing. On the other hand, vinyl floors are also very resistant to damage that can be caused by hard and sudden impacts, similar to paving stones, but with less weight and mass.
Vinyl flooring is also very easy to replace. Individual tiles can be easily removed and replaced with a new one in the same amount of time as ceramic tiles, hardwood floors, or especially paving stones.
Vinyl flooring is also easy to install over old flooring, but it depends on whether the old flooring is smooth enough. This type of flooring is also very beneficial for homes that have raised areas, such as door jambs that rest on the floor or built-in and non-removable appliances.